Saturday, November 13, 2010

Officially blogging!

Just a warning, this is my first blog and I basically have no idea what I am doing. Please be patient as I figure things out.
I am excited about this blog but even more excited to finally be ready to try to have a baby! I have wanted a baby for several years now but the timing was never quite right. Now that I am 33, the clock is really ticking and I don't care if the timing is just right. We are going for it! I know this isn't the kind of thing that happens overnight so I am praying for patience and a healthy baby.
For a woman my age, I know nothing about babies. Absolutely nothing. Well, that's not quite true. I know babies require a lot of stuff. Unfortunately, I know nothing about the stuff, either. Except that some of it is really cute! I don't even remember the last time I changed a diaper. My plan is to use this blog to chronicle our attempts to conceive and my research on everything we will need once we have a baby.